2024 ACT Election platform

The 2024 ACT election is a chance to ACT for Safe, Healthy, Active, Inclusive Streets.

Living Streets Canberra has prepared a shared, non-partisan election platform of priorities for the 2024 ACT election.


All our roads, streets, paths and crossings are (and feel) safe, accessible, comfortable and convenient for everyone.


  • Safety: all environs where people may use active travel should be safe – not safer – and feel safe – for everyone to use active travel.
  • Equity, inclusion and accessibility: transport system (including active travel) comply with or exceed anti-discrimination legislation and accessibility standards.
  • Clear transport hierarchy, reflected in clear legislation with the basic and most vulnerable mode of travel (walking) as the top priority.
  • Evidence-based decision-making aligned with maximising health of people and environment in a changing climate, safety and inclusion of the most vulnerable people, and limiting global warming to 1.5˚C.
  • Attractive healthy transport options: all active travel environs should be convenient, healthy, comfortable and physically attractive to use.
  • Urgency and universality: rapidly deploy and scale up existing solutions (including quick and inexpensive remedies), not just piecemeal, slow and expensive changes.

Read SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS we seek to set ACT on its path to achieving its goals for climate, road safety, health and inclusion:

We also helped co-create the election policy priorities of the Conservation Council ACT Region, of which we are a member.