Will election candidates ACT for Safe, Healthy, Active, Inclusive Streets?

We wrote to all parties and to independents that we had met to let them know about ACT for Safe, Health, Active, Inclusive Streets and ask about whether they supported it, element by element.

Despite the state and accessibility of our paths, lighting and other infrastructure for walking being a key issue this election, we received only 11 responses to our survey. They were from:

  • Animal Justice Party (Robin Soxsmith – Brindabella)
  • Fiona Carrick Independent 
  • 7 Independents for Canberra candidates (Thomas Emerson – Kurrajong, Sara Poguet – Kurrajong, Riley Fernandes – Brindabella, Anne-Louise Dawes – Murrumbidgee, Leanne Foresti – Ginninderra, Mark Richardson – Ginninderra, Elise Searson – Brindabella)
  • The ACT Greens 
  • 1 Ungrouped independent (Rima Diab – Murrumbidgee). 

All of them supported the platform to varying degrees. We have compiled their responses into a Party and Candidate Positions document.

Ungrouped independent Mignonne Cullen (Ginninderra) advised that she had read the platform, has taken the points on board for future reference but decided not to respond to the survey. 

Chris Steel MLA provided a separate response about what ACT Labor has done and will do.In light of the low response rate to our survey about this platform, we have compiled a separate list of links to the various parties’ and independent candidates’ policies that may be relevant to the platform’s overall objective.